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List of All Fashion Designing Courses

Course Name Duration Min. Qualification Course Type
ADCAF (Advanced Diploma In Computer Aided Fashion Technology)12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
ADFGT (Advanced Diploma In Fashion & Garment Technology) 12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
ADFTGT (Advanced Diploma In Fashion Technology & Garment Technology)12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
FDA (Fashion Designing Assistant)12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
FDT (Fashion Designing Technician)12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
CDDMS (Costume Designing & Dress Making Skills) 12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
HDT (Hair Dressing Technician)12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
PDCAFD (Post Diploma In Computer Aided Fashion Designing)12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
DCAPMT (Diploma In Computer Aided Pattern Making Technology)12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
DCFD (Diploma In Computerized Fashion Designing)12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
DCDT (Diploma In Costume Designing Technology)12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
DDMT (Diploma In Dress Making Techniques)12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
DFT (Diploma In Fashion Technology)12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
DGT (Diploma In Garment Technology)12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
DHDT (Diploma In Hair Dressing Techniques)12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
DSPMT (Diploma In Shirt & Pant Making Techniques)12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
DTT (Diploma In Tailoring Trainer)12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
EEMP (Electric Embroidery Machine Operator)12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design
FP (Fabric Painting)12 Months 10th / 12th Fashion_Design