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List of All Music & Dance Courses

Course Name Duration Min. Qualification Course Type
CEM (Composer In Electronic Media)12 Months 10th / 12th Music_Dance
DB (Diploma In Bharathanatiyam)12 Months 10th / 12th Music_Dance
DCMD (Diploma In Cine Music Direction)12 Months 10th / 12th Music_Dance
DF (Diploma In Flute)12 Months 10th / 12th Music_Dance
DKB (Diploma In Key Board)12 Months 10th / 12th Music_Dance
DV (Diploma In Vienna)12 Months 10th / 12th Music_Dance
DV (Diploma In Violin)12 Months 10th / 12th Music_Dance
DVM (Diploma In Vocal Music)12 Months 10th / 12th Music_Dance
FP (Flute Player)12 Months 10th / 12th Music_Dance
KBP (Key Board Player)12 Months 10th / 12th Music_Dance
MDF (Master Diploma In Flute)12 Months 12thMusic_Dance
MDKB (Master Diploma In Key Board)12 Months 12thMusic_Dance
MDV (Master Diploma In Vienna)12 Months 12thMusic_Dance
MDV (Master Diploma In Violin)12 Months 12thMusic_Dance
MDVM (Master Diploma In Vocal Music)12 Months 12thMusic_Dance
RJ (Radio Jockey)12 Months 10th / 12th Music_Dance
TP (Tempura Player)12 Months 10th / 12th Music_Dance
VP (Vienna Player)12 Months 10th / 12th Music_Dance
VP (Violin Player)12 Months 10th / 12th Music_Dance
Zumba Course For Teacher12 Months Class 10thMusic_Dance